Welcome Text

These tips are often themes that are arising in observations, learning walks and sometimes are simply best practice that has been seen.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Students lead the promotion of E&D

Before setting this up, spend 15 minutes or so discussing and brainstrorming the importance of Equality and Diveristy and how it relates to the work place or the subject the students are studying.  The lectuer needs to get the student "buy in" to make this work.  You may want to encourage the "E&D monitor" to bring in an item from the news (news paper, website) to discuss for 5 minutes at the start of every class, and follow this theme through the lesson.

You may want to open the E & D monitor up to the whole class.  A number of classroom observations have noted that staff are not picking up on opportunities to promote E & D - set this up, and hopefully, the class will lead the way!

Here is the poster that Stuart King used in his session to kick start students discussing - checking first that students knew why all these pictures were important:


1 comment:

  1. Stuart King - learning Coach - has used this with both his Foundation group AND his level 3 group. Rather than have a monitor - he discussed E&D, popped a poster on the wall (which I will upload here too) and made sure they ALL took responsibililty. It worked a treat and lots of extra issues arose which really enhanced the subjects as well covered E&D
