Welcome Text

These tips are often themes that are arising in observations, learning walks and sometimes are simply best practice that has been seen.

Monday 14 October 2013

Visable Assesment plans

Shared teaching from our friends at Coleg Gwent. 
Thanks for this!

Monday 30 September 2013

What do your students already know?

Use this as a way to introduce a new subject
to recap from a previous lesson

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Create a 3D sculpture with Play Doh

5 new, fresh boxes of play doh are now in the Teacher Learning Centre for you to borrow.  It brings fun, smell, touch, colour and 3 dimension to your students learning.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Assignment Overload?

For a video demonstrating how Turnitin and Moodle work - click here.  For more information - contact Alan Yeodal.

Monday 17 June 2013

Use a ruler when completing SRF's

To help with enquiries please ensure you always provide

- College course code

- Edexcel Programme Number

- A Students college reference or DOB as well as their name

As you will be aware SRFs are printed by Pearson after registration in October. Lists are enclosed with each batch of BTEC programmes. UCAS students have been highlighted. We will be following up SRFs from the list.

If you have a SRF for Withdrawn students or students not completing, please ensure you return these completed accordingly so we don’t keep reporting these as ’not returned’.

Instructions to claim WORKSKILLS courses will follow in due course.

SRFs should be returned to the Exams office, in whole batches/cohorts where possible,

Please remember:


Monday 20 May 2013

Check the learning from last week

Students write on the post it notes at the start of the lesson and place on the white board.  In the first activity or the break, the teacher checks the post-its and then adjusts the next part of the session to look at the ? and ! - whilst congratulating them on the :-)

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Save precious time in SharePoint

Thank you to Rachael Collier who showed us this tip.  It really does save precious seconds everytime you open or save a document in SharePoint.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Reflect on the objectives before and after

To vary this - introduce different ways of reflecting.
For example
  • work on the grid in pairs
  • put each objective up on a different wall and ask learners to complete a post it note and add to it.
  • Complete it as a whole class on the interactive white board
You can of course refer to the objectives and compelte the reflection as you go through the lesson - and use it as a way to record/check learning.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Can your class take the E&D Challenge?

This activity, in particular, gave Mr Redmond (The E&D Champion 2012) a real focus and challenge for a month, and he took it on himself to win it!  The discussions promoted deeper thinking, problem solving, evaluation, synthesis and of course helped the class become more open minded and grounded individuals.  Thank you Mike George for laying down the challenge!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Show me boards

Pop into H002a (Teacher Learning Space) and pick up a few tips/tricks on how to use "show me" boards - then borrow them for a session - if you like them -go buy some.  Teacher training team and coaching team can't go anywhere without them!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

What did you do yesterday?

At the beginning of every session, teachers can ask this question - sometimes you may have to get other students to prompt certain learners to remind them that they did learn "something" yesterday.
Sometimes it can be done the otherway round:

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Train your students to use a rnage of questions

The resources include a session plan, play doh, questionning cards, task sheet and a short video.  Pop into H002a, the Teacher Learning Centre and find out more - it could be the 45 minute lesson you have been looking for!!

Click here to watch a short 3 minute video demonstrating Blooms taxonomy and questioning in action
"i-phone meets Bloom"

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Good planning makes good learning

Good planning makes good learning.
Copies of templates for Scheme of Work, Group Profile, Sesion plans with exemplars (and short videos) can be found on sharepoint here
Compared to all other elements of good or outstanding learning eg. session plans, ILT, E&D, checking of learning, raport etc - teachers who had a good Group Profile or good Scheme of Work were 20% more likely to have their session graded a 2 or a 1.  Good planning makes good learning.