Welcome Text

These tips are often themes that are arising in observations, learning walks and sometimes are simply best practice that has been seen.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Reflect on the objectives before and after

To vary this - introduce different ways of reflecting.
For example
  • work on the grid in pairs
  • put each objective up on a different wall and ask learners to complete a post it note and add to it.
  • Complete it as a whole class on the interactive white board
You can of course refer to the objectives and compelte the reflection as you go through the lesson - and use it as a way to record/check learning.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Can your class take the E&D Challenge?

This activity, in particular, gave Mr Redmond (The E&D Champion 2012) a real focus and challenge for a month, and he took it on himself to win it!  The discussions promoted deeper thinking, problem solving, evaluation, synthesis and of course helped the class become more open minded and grounded individuals.  Thank you Mike George for laying down the challenge!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Show me boards

Pop into H002a (Teacher Learning Space) and pick up a few tips/tricks on how to use "show me" boards - then borrow them for a session - if you like them -go buy some.  Teacher training team and coaching team can't go anywhere without them!